Monday, December 8, 2008

Looking For Team Members

Winter can be boring. Not only that, but winter can be boring.

Here is a chance to spice it up a bit, if you have what it takes. HotKarz is looking for a few contributing editors. Those chosen will be able to post entries directly to this blog, just as I do. It would be like a newspaper, where different folks would cover specialized topics of their choice.

For example, if you participate in the lawmaking process, or you get involved in protecting the interests of car buffs at the state house, you might want to be part of the HotKarz team, and post the latest news items, or pass on important info. If you have a history of putting on a good car show, you could be a show editor, and provide stories and info on putting together a show. If you want to be able to report on the shows you go to, fine. And if you are good at building custom cars, you could be a contributing editor on that aspect.

No, you need not post often - only as often as you wish. But your expertise would be shared unto all our readers, and would add substantial value to HotKarz.

Now for the qualifications:

1) You need to be knowledgeable in the aspect you choose to write about

2) You need to keep it clean - this is a family site

3) You need to be able to write complete sentences - I don't have much time to edit, though I will do light editing as necessary. But the post should be yours - I will not rewrite it

4) A sense of humor is helpful

5) Try to stick to your area of expertise

So, think about it. Then let me know if you would like to be a part of this. Again, you would not be sending your posts to me - you would be given permission to post directly to this blog, just as I do. So I will be looking for responsible persons who can add valuable content.

If interested, email me at


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