Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas To You, Too

Just received the following comment, apparently by someone who insists on missing the point:

"Since the season is over I feel it is time to speak out. This may come as a shock to you but some people go to a show for the event not just to win Trophys. We go to support our clubs and their charity,show our cars ,make new friends and go to new places.If you like the show you go back next year if you don,t like the way it is run STAY HOME it that simple.Did you ever think that maybe a club dosn,t want a 200 car show because all they feel they can handle is a GOOD 100 car show JUDGING dosn,t make a good show.The place makes up part of it ,Fairs ,outlet malls and food make up the restWe all have other hobbys and if it is included in a car show so much the better.I have said enought. THE HELL WITH TROPHYS, GO TO A SHOW AND HAVE A GOODTIME WITH FRIENDS AN STOP BITCHING AND IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET A TROPHY AND YOU WEREN,T POLITICKING, THEN SOMEONE LIKES YOUR CAR ENJOY "

The problem with this anonymous person's comment is twofold:

First, I have NEVER said it was "about the trophies." What I often DID say, and I stand by it, is that if trophies are going to be awarded, it should be done honestly. Period. There is no fun in participating in something that is dishonest, unless you are the type of person who simply places no value on honesty. And, yes, judging IS an important part of a show - how many people would go to a show that is not judged?

Second, if something is not honest, or fair to ALL, the answer is not to ignore it. The answer is to FIX IT! Ignoring problems solves nothing, and dishonesty is a problem no matter where you find it. "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."

Here is a NEWSFLASH for this person: Most (not all) people ENJOY competition. That is why we go to shows. That is why we play baseball, basketball, football. It is why we race, swim and compete in the Olympics. Competition is both FUN and HEALTHY. The trophies at a car show are respresentative of that competition. And that is why they ARE important.

But whether or not you enjoy competition, competition is a natural part of life; of survival. We compete for jobs, food, mates. We compete in school, on the field, and in politics. Competion is what makes everything work. Get used to it. You do not have to like it, but you do have to accept it.

No, trophies are not the most important thing. But they are important. But even deeper than that is the competition must be HONEST. Otherwise, everyone loses.

So, if you do not want to compete, and you only want to socialize, don't register your vehicle! But I will bet anything that you do register. Why? Because you would like to win, too. And winning means something only if the competition is honest. If it is not honest, you may get a trophy, but you did not win it.

So, if it is your intention to piss and moan about the simple fact that a car show IS a competition, and you do not like it, then I suggest YOU don't go! As for me, I will go for several reasons: to see friends; to have a good time; and to compete. And if I am going to compete in anything, I think it should be a fair competition.

No, it's not about winning. But it's not about losing, either. It's about fun, honest competition among friends, just like a neighborhood ballgame. You go to have a good time playing ball, but you also try to win. But the fun evaporates if the other team cheats in order to win. But if the game is honest and fair, and then you do happen to win, you really do win, and that provides a certain satisfaction.

Your way? You go to a ballgame for the socializing, and the exercise. No point in playing, really, because winning is not important. And you don't play your best because winning is not important to you. And if you do not play your best, your whole team suffers. And if the other guy cheats to win, you would have us believe that is not a problem, and would not bother you.

To that I say, BS.

I'd LOVE to get you into a poker game! Winning is not important, and it's OK with you if I cheat. As long as you get to socialize, and have a few drinks, that's all you want. Fine. As for me, I STILL get to socialize just like you, I STILL get to have a few drinks just like you, but unlike you I can STILL win the pot.

Yes, I go to shows for the fun. I go for the socialization. I go for the picnic lunch. But my day does not end there, for I also go to compete. And competition is a GOOD thing, as long as it is fair.

HotKarz is simply trying to make it more fair, so that you are not the only one having a good time. Because believe it or not, you do not speak for everyone, and not everyone is willing to accept dishonesty in the competition part of the show. You may, if you wish. But don't impose warped values on the rest of us. There is no place for dishonesty, and that includes car shows.

Oh, and for any organizer that wants to limit the number of vehicles, all you have to do is specialize - only certain classes, or only a certain club, or only the first 100 cars. Or DON'T ADVERTISE. There is nothing that prevents an organizer from keeping his show limited, so your argument is absurd.

If you do not like competing, then don't. But don't you dare have the unmitigated gall to tell me or anyone else that we are wrong for enjoying honest competition - the operative word being "honest".


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