Saturday, July 11, 2009

Points of View

Someone sent the following comment - I found it both interesting and short on perspective:

"I was told that last year they parked to close to each other and now this year their getting complaints about to many newer cars are allowed in and theres more room for the older ones.We are Americans YOU can't keep us HAPPY no mater what you do. It's a shame that your car was too good to be parked with the late model VETTES on the other side and maybe there wasn't any room for Bill's 65 Mustang that night I don't know what I do know is the Blast is a old style diner and not to take away from your car But there were no PT CRUISERS back in the 50's or 60's. "

Not entirely sure of the point, but as far as "too many newer cars, with no room for old ones", it can just as easily be said, "too many old cars and not enough room for newer ones." As for our car being "too good to park in back with the late model Vettes", I had already stated that it had nothing to do with that - it has to do with being treated that way - told to "go sit on the back of the bus because you are not white enough to sit up front with real people." That was the message, and it is not a message I take kindly. I'll not sit on the back of the bus unless it is MY choice to do so. And I will not tolerate being treated as a second-class citizen.

And as far as there not being any PT's in the 50's and 60's, I might remind the person that this is not the 50's or 60's. And the Blast is a MODERN REPLICA of an old-style diner. Our car is a MODERN REPLICA of an old woody wagon. If Blast is so concerned about putting themselves off as "original oldies", then maybe they should have the 10 cent coke and 20 cent burger.

The point is this: the Blast is not an authentic 50's diner. If they want to wallow in pretensions, they are certainly free to do so. The problem I have with it is that they never advertised it, we have been a good supporter ever since they opened their doors, and they have readily and willingly used us to promote themselves, free of charge. And after attending their cruises for years, we are suddenly not good enough for them. The "reason" is of little consequence.

And I have a problem with that.

Imagine traveling 30 miles to go to a concert. You get in line, and when you get to the door, they tell you that you cannot go in because you are not young enough, or you are too bald, or the wrong color, sex, or went to the wrong school, or did not arrive in a limo. But hey, we'll let you sit out in the lobby and listen from there. And don't forget to spend your money at our concessions!

Discrimination is wrong, no matter how much someone may try to disguise it. As they say, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

If Blast wants to believe we are not good enough for them, that is their choice. But we do not believe that anyone, or anyone's ride, is inferior or undeserving to participate in a cruise. And a cruise is supposed to be a way for car buffs to gather, and socialize with their friends. I just do not happen to agree with Blast that some people are more deserving than others, simply because of the vehicle they drive.

Now, as far as I am concerned, I am putting this behind me. The owners of Blast are free to do as they please. And I am free to do the same, and no longer allow myself to be used by them, or to be treated like that.


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