Saturday, July 11, 2009

Someone Does Not Want to let Go

OK, just one more, then we MOVE ON. OK? I am only answering this one because it would be rude not to.

Someone wrote:

"Okay, let ask this If you were discriminated then why wasn't you asked to leave? He didn't ask that he asked that you park on the opposite side I've been to cruises that only allow certain vehicles and mine didn't fit their criterea but they still took my money when I ate there.Their gain. Yes they are a replica and yes yours is to but it doesn't mean that it's a 1940 woodie does it?"

Allow me to try one more time. No, we were NOT excluded from the premises, but we WERE excluded from CRUISE, which was the purpose of going in the first place. Bear in mind, they did not advertise this, and they gladly took all our work and promo on their behalf, and then excluded us from the cruise. And no, ours is not a 1940 woody, but Blast is not a 1950's diner, either. It was built in 2005. They are newer than our car! Yes, they can set whatever standards they wish. But in doing so, 1) they have an obligation to ADVERTISE it as such, and 2) they have no right to treat people as second-class citizens.

Let's say you patronize a restaurant for years. And now that restaurant has become popular. So, now you arrive early, to insure a table. But some rich snob shows up. There are no tables left. The restaurant decides HE is more valuable than you, their regular customer who supported them during the lean years. HIS presence will give the restaurant an air that will attract wealthy people. They ask YOU to go eat in the kitchen, so HE can have a seat.

Don't tell me you won't feel you are being slighted, and discriminated against, because you are.

When someone comes late and gripes that he is more deserving of a space than I am, and I need to leave to make room for HIM because HE is SPECIAL, and HE has a better vehicle, then that is 100% wrong. Period. And that is what a person is doing when they complain there are too many newer cars and no room for him.

Maybe he should just get there earlier!

Now, no more on this - if you have something more to say, you will not receive a response. It's time to move on.


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