Monday, July 7, 2008


I was unable to attend either Belgrade or the Bikini Show (Waterville ME) this weekend. However, here are two emails I received regarding the Belgrade show that some may find interesting. Personally, I can make no comment since I was not present, but having received two separate mails saying the same thing is worth mentioning. If anyone (besides one of the organizers) has a flip side to tell, please do - we want to be fair.

EMAIL #1: "You missed an interesting show, the judging was inconsistent at best with one judge taking a first(although he claimed he did not judge HIS class) and some extremely nice cars losing to some extremely rough cars. I suspect there was a little of the "old boy" system at work, but, unfortunately this is what a lot of the shows have come down to."

EMAIL #2: "I did see the fellow the other guy is speaking of and he was judging cars. Also correct in stating he took first place in his category. Don't know if he judged his own though. I don't think he should of even registered his car if he was judging, his class or not. (just my opinion). From what I gathered, they were checking the cars on how they were presented. Straight body panels, cleanliness, alignment of doors, hood, etc. Even saw them check amount of tread wear on the tires. 2nd and 1st went to a couple of 2006 models. And bone stock at that! Had I known I would have gone to Enterprise and rented a new Mustang for the day. Ha!

"I feel we should have been judged on the work we've put into our cars and the things done to them to make them unique. First place in 90s to present went to a Monty Carlo that looked exactly like a spectators car in the parking lot. hehheh, not really but it could have very easily happened."

Again, these are only two folks who felt there were issues that need to be questioned. We would welcome any other comments, pro and/or con, from folks who were there.

Well, the weather has been great since I have not been able to go anywhere! That changes Wednesday, probably - scheduled for balloting at Riverside Dairy (Lisbon Falls) that day. Unfortunately, the weatherman says rain all day. It figures! But I'll wait and see.

Saturday evening it's balloting at Hodgman's in New Gloucester - hope to see you there! But don't forget the Super Cruise - Family Style earlier that day - it's bound to be an event worth checking out!

Sunday I can be found at the Fried Dough stand at Ossipee Valley Fair Car Show.

I hear Joe & "Betty Lou" showed up at Waterville. If anyone gets hold of him, PLEASE have him get hold of me. Thanks!

1 comment:

Scott said...

From The Show Coordinator:
First I want to thank all of you for coming out. I know It was a big weekend, with the 4th and all, and I am happy about our turn out. Before I say too much about the judging let me say, I have been going to, and putting on shows for 15 years so I have an idea of what it takes to make a car show run smooth. Now With that said I have never been ripped more then I have since doing this Belgrade show. The Reason, it is a judged show. I for one am tierd of old rust cars beating out nice show cars. It has happened to me a few times. So when We scrapped the Sidney show and started in Belgrade, I decide this was the year to go judged. Last year I had 5 judges, Myself one of them, and 3 of us had our cars in the show. Well, none of those cars were judge by the owners, and I got ripped on that big time. This year I decided that My cars aswell as any of the other judges cars would NOT be allowed to be judged, however they could park them in the show. This is what happened. Roy(Yellow Cuda) walked around with (Judge)Mark and assisted him on judging, I asked him if he could help Mark so I could assisgn them more catagories. I would have never asked him to help but we were in a real pinch. I had 2 judges go down sick, and I found that out on FRIDAY before the show. The other called me SATURDAY and said he may not be able to make it. That left us with only 3 judges. So that is why I asked Roy to Help, But again he was not a judge. And also for the record, I judged his class, He had nothing to do with it. Also I heard that some people were saying this was a good old boys system, and the judges were mickey mouse judges. First All of us have many years around cars, Building them caring for them, and JUDGING them at Larger shows then this one. And I would love for just one of you folks to tell Bo Condon that he is a Mickey Mouse Judge! All of us, Especially Bo know cars very well, and take this task of judging VERY seriously. Now for next year there will be some changes to the judging system. We will be adding 3 more judges, and they will go around in Pairs to judge, I will be the head judge, and I will go around after they are thru and re check the results. If there are any questions, We will go over them together, and make any changes as needed. So with all that said I hope I cleared up any confussion, and I hope to see you all back again next year. We will be adding alot of fun stuff to the show next year. Feel fre to contact me via e-mail @, or call @ 207-215-6142. Thanks again- Scott