Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Sky Is (still) Falling!

Well, the Chicken Littles are at it again. The Pew Center for Climate Change is once again trying to lay a guilt trip on me for taking my little PT Cruiser to cruise-ins.

Their latest insane report is so crazy, they must think Americans are brain-dead (though many appear to be). Let's see...

They say that hurricane seasons have been getting longer since 1915, due to our burning of fossil fuels. Hm-mm. Lemme see. Just how many 747's were flying the skies in 1915? How many SUV's on our highways? In fact, how much fossil fuel were we burning in 1915? Almost none!

Hurricane season begins on June 1st. It is now July 15th, and we are now looking at a single, minor hurricane limping along toward the Bahamas. Wow! Everyone take shelter. Place your head between your knees and kiss your butt good-bye.

Last year there were fewer hurricanes than is normal, and not a single one made landfall in the U.S.

And now a new study links kidney stones to global warming! Just how ridiculous are these people going to get?

Look, maybe global warming is real; maybe not. The real question is whether or not it is a temporary, natural cycle as indicated by the real data, or if it is caused by us, and is having a permanent, disastrous effect as indicated by the "pick n' choose" data. I tend to think it is the former. Science has already proved the Earth was subjected to a "mini" ice age for nearly 500 years, during the middle ages. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way. In nature, nothing stands still for long. Everything changes, by design.

And even if it is the latter, I think it is a bit too late to do much of anything about it, so we may as well get out the credit cards and enjoy life while we can. And go to cruises...

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