Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thanks, Folks

Well, the response to the "anonymous" comment was really nice to see, to say the least. To all the folks who have written in (many by email instead of by posting a comment), I truly thank you all for your support. It is worthwhile to note that not a single person found much value in the comments of "Anonymous".

To the person who made that unseemly anonymous comment, while you are certainly entitled to your opinion, please feel free to read all the responses to your opinion (attached at the end of the last entry), so you can see what value others place on your opinion. Just because you have an opinion, and are entitled to it, does not necessarily give it any worth. The same is true of my own opinions - I rarely insert them, but when I do, I understand they may not be shared by all.

And yes, as you can plainly see, I post all comments, as a rule (except those that use profanity or other offensive language). After all, I posted yours - and you did not think I would.

Coming shortly, an entry on Togus. While I was unable to attend due to previous committments, I have received several letters from folks who went and had a truly grand time. So stop in again soon. And don't forget to check out all the latest letters on the recent events, with letters on Togus to be added soon, as well as a glowing letter from the organizers of the Gorham Lions show, thanking HotKarz and all of you for their success - and their plans to improve even more (it's hard to improve on such a good show, but if they say they will, they will).

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