Monday, May 18, 2009


Well, Frank says I misinterpreted his fine letter, and that is entirely posdsible. He says he agrees about Special Interest, and giving due respect to all classes. I agree. And I apologize if I misread his letter.

Frank thinks I should be more tactful, or politically correct - that you catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar, and that he was only being facetious. I understand, and he may very well be correct. If we want changes in how classes are acknowledged or respected, we need to use tact and bring lots of sugar.

But that is not my job. Make no mistake about this: I have never been tactful, nor politically correct, and at my age I don't see that changing one iota.

All I can do is point out the disparities, and try to get everyone to at least acknowledge that classes should be understood and respected. I may not be tactful about it. And perhaps it seems like I'm swinging a 2x4 when I should be bringing roses. But that simply is not me. I will leave such intracacies to others. As for me, I simply speak my mind, and I try to be straightforward so no one mistakes where I stand. I will bring forth the information that folks can use for themselves to either ignore or stand and be counted. And the folks can then use their own tact, if they wish, and bring their own sugar to try and convince organizers and friends.

So, to make a long story short:

I acknowledge that each class has a specific definition. And I believe show organizers and participants have an obligation to learn them, and use them properly and fairly. And when it is apparent that is not happening, my job is to point it out.

But it is not my job to actually CHANGE it. That is the job of the organizers and participants. That is your job. If you notice that organizers or other participants are not adhering to the definitions, and are not "playing fair", then speak up. Let organizers know how you feel, and why. Let violators know how you feel, and why. If enough people - you - do that, then the changes will eventually be made and everyone will benefit.

And if you choose to just ignore it, then that, too, is your choice. Again, all I can do is point things out, and provide all of you with a forum for getting things done if that is what you want to do.

I liken this to how things are in our government these days. We have a lousy, ineffective and wasteful government. We would like it to be better. And there are folks like Glenn Beck or other journalists who try hard to point out how we, the people, can change things. But Beck cannot change them - only we can do that. If we sit on our butts and do nothing, then nothing changes, and our government gets worse, instead of better.

In other words, I can put out the call to arms, like Paul Revere. But if no one shows up on the green to fight the good fight, it is all for naught.

Frank, dear friend, if I misread your letter, please accept my apology. But please do not hold your breath waiting for me to be tactful. It will not happen in this lifetime :o)

Meanwhile, another commenter was "disappointed" because I did not specifically mention his car (out of several hundred). I had said "of 13 vehicles, only 5 could remotely be considered Special Interest". That I failed to specifically mention that his car was one of the 5 seems to have offended him. I guess he did not notice I did not specifically mention ANY of the 5 that were legitimately in the class, so why would I need to mention his in particular?

So, let it be known: I apologize to all several hundred participants whose vehicles I did not mention by name.

As for you, my fine, anonymous friend, yes - your all electric car is special interest. As was the Monte pace car, the military jeep and a couple others. Please don't allow your persecution complex to get the best of you - I just do not understand why you are "disappointed" because I did not highlight your vehicle, when I did not highlight any others, either. I try not to personalize things when I find problems.


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