Monday, June 30, 2008

In All Fairness...

I received the following email today (name withheld). I thought it appropriate to post it, and my reply, right here for all to see, so that perhaps there will be a better understanding of the mission of (which I will state clearly at the end).

-----Original Message-----From: ***********To: ptwoodycrew@aol.comSent: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:49 am
Subject: Sanford car show

"It must be very easy to sit and judge other people from way up there. My wife and I volunteer each year to help the folks who put on the car show . We are not members of the Sanford Elks or any other Elks for that matter. We are just car folks, the reason that we give our time is because ALL of the proceeds from that show go to the Maine Children's Cancer Program. It has nothing to do with trophies or classes. Maybe if people like you would give them a hand instead of criticizing their effort the show would improve. If the stinkin five bucks is so important to I will send it to you."

Our response:

"Thank you for writing, Ed, but it appears you suffer from the same malady as some show organizers - you can only view this from YOUR perspective of raising money for some project.

"That is well and good, but you really need to stop and think that this is NOT the reason car folks go to these shows. For most of them it IS about classes and trophies. They invest many tens of thousands of dollars into their vehicles. They pay $4.00 a gallon to attend your show so YOU can raise money. They then PAY to get in, so YOU can make more money. They spend hours polishing so YOU can make money. They buy 50/50's so YOU can make money. The average participant spends $30-$50 to attend your show, not counting the money invested in their cars. Believe me when I tell you that they would not do ANY of that if not for the chance to receive validation for their efforts. How many cars do you think would show up if you advertised there would be no trophies?

"Organizers have an obligation to treat those who make their show possible with respect. The very least that organizers can and should do is offer a FAIR show, with classes, proper judging, and adequate trophies. Otherwise, it will just be another poor show that is designed only to support a cause, without regard fore those who make it possible.

"It is commendable that you volunteer to help. But you need to recognize that the participants are also giving up an entire day, lots of elbow grease, gas money and the cost of their vehicles to help you do that, not to mention having to pay a fee to get in. That fee is supposed to help pay for putting on a good show. The participants deserve recognition.

"The Elks did very little to that end.

"The needs of THREE groups MUST be considered when hosting a show:

1) The needs of the host (fundraising), which was adequately covered by the Elks
2) The needs of the participants, i.e. adequate classes, fair judging and worthwhile trophies (not covered)
3) The needs of spectators who will not come if there is not enough "eye candy" (covered well, thanks only to the participants)

"There will not be enough eye candy if cars stop showing up because the Elks won't consider any needs but their own. And the Elks cannot make a dime from the shows if paticipants decide to go elsewhere.

"The only way EVERYONE wins is if the Elks put on the best possible show, which attracts more participants and more spectators, and results in more money raised. But it all hinges on whether or not you get the cars. So you owe it to the car folk to treat them fairly and with respect.

"THAT is how the show will improve. And that is the ONLY way it can improve. And only by having someone like HotKarz to point these things out will any improvements ever get made. You simply cannot fix something if you do not even realize it is broken.

"And it is not about the "five stinkin bucks" - if you think it is, your head is in the wrong place. It's about having a show that is worth going to, participating in, and supporting because the organizers have considered the needs of ALL parties, and not just their own. We have been to shows that specifically INVITED, personally, people who have newer cars. They promised to have a class for us. So several of us went, spent $$$ on gas, gave up a day, and paid $8 each to get in. And guess what - we were ALL thrown into "Special Interest" because they had no classes for any of us. Since we really did not fit into that class, none of us had the slightest chance of being able to compete. For those organizers, it was all about the money, and to Hell with the participants who made it possible. Believe me when I say that show will be a huge bust next year. They will lose because they did not consider anyone but themselves. If they get more than the 12 cars from their own club members, it would surprise me.

"The Elks were a little better, but not much.

"Oh, and I don't sit and judge from "way up there". I judged from right there, at the show. And I only call it like it is. If there is anything that I wrote that is untrue, please let me know. To the best of my knowledge, it was all true, and therefore needed to be said. (As many of our readers are well aware, I interview many participants, and take note of how they feel about the show, so my "opinion" is not just mine - it is a collection of all that I pick up from other participants.)

"And though it has already been only two days, I have already heard from 7 other people who complimented us on our coverage, and laud our efforts. And three of those won trophies, yet they still understood that the show left much to be desired, and should be improved.

"Every show organizer has the right to read our review, and then decide whether or not they will make any changes for next year. If they do, they can let us know and we will spread the word that the show will be improved, and in what ways. This way, participants can decide whether or not to invest $50 to attend, based on knowledge, and not "pie in the sky". That is only fair. If the organizer chooses not to make improvements, that is their choice. In that case, HotKarz will stand by its review, and prior to the next year's show, will remind our 700+ regular readers that the show, which was poor the previous year, has chosen to ignore making any improvements. In this way, they can spend that $50 going to a show that DOES appreciate their efforts and expense. "

Bill Vaughn

For those who may not fully understand the mission of, here it is:

"To work on behalf of car enthusiasts throughout Maine and New Hampshire by publishing shows, cruises, events and club info; by reviewing those events, shows and cruises; providing timely information useful to enthusiasts, organizers and spectators; and to promote the hobby by assisting organizers to produce superior shows that benefit all."

We also work tirelessly to help design a set of guidelines that assure a good show, a list of classes, tips and suggestions, and make certain items available for free to organizers, such as the "Spectator Code of Conduct" cards, printed and sent at our own expense. And we charge no one for the services we freely provide. We pick up the cost.

We sponsor events, we sponsor trophy classes at shows, and we may even host our own regional show.

In short, will do whatever it takes to make your hobby better and more enjoyable, even at the risk of angering those who have for too long taken undue advantage because there was no "voice" to speak up for you. Now there is. Feel free to use it.


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