Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Heat Tempers the Steel

I thought it appropriate to share with you one of two emails I received from the Elks of Sanford, in regard to my post about their car show last weekend. The method they have chosen to correct the problems with their show is to ban HotKarz and I from attending next year. Of course, I would not have attended, anyway, unless the issues I mentioned were addressed. The reason I am posting this is two-fold:

1) It is my opinion that, as the participants in these shows, you have a right to see what goes on when an effort is made to bring issues to light in hopes they will get fixed - and the resistance that comes from it, and

2) I would like your feedback. HotKarz.com is attempting to make things better you, eventually, by raising legitimate issues, and pointing out problems so shows can improve for us all. It is a cinch that they will not improve if we, as this gentleman suggests, just "shut up and accept it." So please, let me know if you think I am off-base, or if I am "right on", or anything in between. HotKarz.com is here for your benefit, not mine. It can serve you best if you let me know where I go right, and where I go wrong. The "battle" won't be easy, or without casualties - many organizers like being able to take advantage of the participants, and do not want to change. There are many really good shows, as evidenced by those of the Knucklebusters, Yankee Cruisers, Rusty Nuts, Two Trails Cruisers, BSA of Stratham NH, Kiwanis of Concord NH, Foster's Daily Democrat of Dover NH, and many others. And I do not think it is too much to expect for others to make an attempt to put on a decent show. It is relatively simple to make most changes, and can actually save organizers money and increase profits.

Here is the letter - and my replies added into it, and returned to the sender:
-----Original Message-----From: STEVEN HORNE <schorne@verizon.net>To: ptwoodycrew@aol.comSent: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 8:34 pmSubject: Response to your blogs of this weekend#

>I expect to see this posted in it's entirety

[REPLY] Thank you for writing. First, I write the BLOG, not you.
That said, please allow me to respond to your rather crude letter.

>While I suppose commendations should be in order for a “Simple Man” to have gained such a stature in society as to be able to hit rock bottom before launching himself to a place of such self imposed knowledge and power; I hesitate to do so, for fear that any validation of your assumed knowledge of how to actually plan, operate and manage an Auto Show would gain you any type of audience.

[REPLY] Your opinion and knowledge of my life, or my position, is ZERO, and is of no consequence, and has no place in any discussion about your show or my blog. Please refrain from such crude and low remarks in any future communications.

>The statements you make of the “Elks Club Car Show” are very hurtful and obviously meant to be malicious and callous, as you admit in your profile … “I manage to piss people off”….

[REPLY] Wrong again. They are meant to call attention to problems - and it appears they have. The only question is whether or not the Elks have any intention of improving their show in the future. It has obviously escaped you that, while you run the show to make a profit, you could make no profit without the participation of car owners. And to get that, there is an obligation to treat them with respect. The Elks failed in that, as attested to by MANY voices of participants I spoke with, and have received emails from.

>If you would have taken the time to inquire with the Chairmen of this event, you would have gained some knowledge of the dedicated and hard working folks who volunteer their spare time in an effort to make a difference in society.

[REPLY] I do understand and appreciate the efforts of the Elks in their work. It is the car show that we have issues with, and those issues are justified.

>I would have been happy to discuss your thoughts and concerns and introduced to our team of folks who always strive to do a better job and create a better “Show” for the Auto enthusiast.

[REPLY] My time and resources are limited - I do not have the time to chase down and meet with all car show organizers. I do take the time to track down shows, and post them so car folk will know about them. We posted your show, and promoted it. Several of the vehicles that attended only did so because of HotKarz.com. It is not my job to help you put together a good show. My job is to point out where work is needed, and hope that the organizers pick up on that and use the criticism to create a better show in the future.

>But instead you have chosen to question and insult the integrity of not only the show, but the individuals who volunteer but also the Elks Lodge as well as the “Pet Projects” for which the event was to raise much needed funds.

[REPLY] I did nothing of the kind. Your show had serious flaws. I pointed them out, truthfully. If the truth hurts, then that is evidence that you need to make changes. I will not say a show is "good" just to spare someone's feelings. If it is good, I will say so. If it is not, I will say so. That does not in any way relate to insulting the Elks ot its projects. Only the car show.

>If you had bothered to come forward with your thoughts and concerns you speak of in your blog; I would have told you, in years past we did establish and mark off certain areas by class,

[REPLY] All well and good. But that was not the case this year. When you charge car folks to put their $100,000 investments at risk for your benefit, you have an obligation to treat them with respect. Not ONE participant that I spoke with felt they were being treated respectfully - believe it or not, it was the Elks that were insulting. When you charge car people and then don't follow through by holding up your end, that is an insult. We held up our end, and you made money from us. What did you provide in return? No organization, no assistance, and one trophy per class - and a tiny one at that.

>AND I would have told you, over time, the folks who MOST OFTEN ATTEND this show, prefer to park where they like, thus FRIENDS can be with FRIENDS to socialize and enjoy each others company;

[REPLY] Well, I guess they did not show up this year because I spoke with close to 80% of the participants, and NOT ONE of them appreciated not having distinct classes. I would also be willing to send you a sample email I received from one of your "regulars", who has attended - and won - for three years. And even he said "Right On, Brother".

>If you had come to me and asked “What is this week’s “Pet Project”? I would have told you the proceeds help support the Sanford Elks Lodge “DRUG AWARENESS PROGRAM” which is recognized by local, state and federal governments as being the 2nd longest running drug awareness program in the country, (1st being the DARE program) . Our program goes into the local schools and establishes dialogue and openness amongst 3rd graders so they may be able to recognize and distinguish , not only bad drugs from acceptable medicine but also to distinguish bad people from those who are there to help and protect them. We do this through essay contest and poster contests and are always very well received by the school departments we approach.

[REPLY] As I said, I do appreciate the work of the Elks. Very much so. But by the same token, I simply cannot say the same about your car show. I have attended over 4000 shows in 24 states in my time. I know when a show is good and when it is not. And I speak to many participants at each show, and my blog is a true representation of the feedback THEY provide.

>When you discuss the “Trophies”, I see you as being extremely hypocritical, which is ironic, because your profile claims you hate hypocrisy? First you say trophies don’t matter, and then you say there was “only one small trophy for each class”.

[REPLY] That is not hypocrisy. I say that trophies are not the "be all" of car shows. And they are not. But is IS the method that is commonly accepted and used for show organizers to show their appreciation to the many people who risk their investment for you. It validates their work, their investment. It provides a sense of competition, and satisfaction. When you offer but one small trophy per class, you are telling the participants that you do not value what THEY have provided for your benefit - and they provide far more than you. For every 100 cars that show, there is $5-10 million dollars sitting there.

>I’ll say this, … we purchased our Trophies and Dash Plaques from a small company from Wisconsin (Rallye Productions, Inc) they are very nice folks and quite accommodating to our small show. This year’s invoice for awards and dash plaques totaled about $550. Ask your children to divide that out (it equals 110 entries at $5.00 each) in order to just break even. We registered 79 autos ($395)…. need I say more,….. Oh, I think I will…

[REPLY] You are being disingenuous. First, just because you choose to overpay for those things does not validate your position. HotKarz.com provides trophies, also. Most of ours are quite impressive, because that is what tells participants that we do appreciate them. And we could purchase larger and more trophies for far less than Rallye charges. In addition, you made money from the 50/50, did you not? And just WHO bought those? And then there was the very over-priced breakfast, and you sold MANY of those. So if it is your intent to tell me you did not make money, then I would have to object. And, if you do not make money from shows, why do you keep having them?

Furthermore, most show organizers are wise enough to get sponsors who pay for the trophies in a class. NAPA might pay for 3 trophies for "Special Interest", while the local pub might pay for the trophies for Street Rods. Get 24 sponsors, and you could have 3 fine trophies in 24 classes. THAT would draw far more vehicles, and earn you far more money. And you would SAVE that $550. By following the lead of those who understand how to run a show, your show could be huge, and much more profitable.

>We always need another source of income to help this project out, so we chose to order T-shirts, this years invoice was approximately $1039, we purchased 96 shirts, …ask your kids to stay in the room, … that equals $10.83 ea ( we’re selling them for $15.00) if we could sell all of them we would make $400. This year’s show sold $157.

[REPLY] Very high quality shirts can be had for far less. A shop in Portland makes ours for $6 per. As for "another source of income", that might not be necessary if you were to use sponsors to pay for things for you, as the successful shows do. (Kiwanis of Concord NH has it down to a science - their sponsors pay for huge trophies in 36 classes, and also provide over 200 door prizes AND substantial goody bags - all at ZERO cost to Kiwanis). It pays to work hard, but it pays better to work smart.

>Also, we chose to run our Chuck Wagon; we sell burgers, fries, dogs and soda. Our invoice this year was about $500, including propane and paper goods. We took in $680.25 and had about a third of the purchased food left over.

[REPLY] I'm sure the weather had something to do with that.

>The ballot system is the result of 14 years of operating this show, if you would like to view each ballot and the reconciliation and tabulation of these; I would be happy to make them available to you, bring your children to count if needed, we have some leftover pop & fries they could enjoy, we’ll reduce the cost.

[REPLY] Forgive me for saying so, but doing it for 14 years does not make it right. The nationals, and even the bigger "local" shows have developed a system that is fair. I cannot help it if you choose to not use that which has been tried and true, and chose instead to use your own system. That said, I did not have a huge problem with your balloting so much as how difficult it was for people to vote. I can show you emails from people who complained they threw them in the trash because it was so frustrating. That, alone, renders your system as flawed.

>As for the “Cracker Jack Box”, “Kit Car” and your comments that followed, I’m just about speechless; there is so much to comment about here. You truly show your ignorance of the industry you so vehemently claim you are trying to perpetuate and support. Kit Cars are worthy projects, Kit Cars are helping keep the whole game going. In today’s world of ever increasing cost to own or purchase an original steel body car and parts, Kit cars fill the gap, so folks like you and me can still take part in little shows like the Elks.

[REPLY] From your view, perhaps. But from the view of many car folk, you should at least attempt to understand. A "kit car" is actually called a REPLICA. A REPLICA, in any language, is defined as a fake, a phony. When a "fake classic" takes the top place over true classics, that is an insult. Yes, kits have their place. But not as Top Dog among real classics.

>And the car which won the JUDGES CHOICE this weekend is a fine automobile. The owner, Mr. Merrill, is a fine man and he obviously loves and appreciates quality workmanship in automobiles. That auto probably cost him in excess of $60k to build; if you had been paying attention instead of criticizing you would also have learned the car has a 427 and he built it along with many other facts he was offering, he was showing genuine enthusiasm and respect for all by participating and responding to my inquiries.

[REPLY] I am sure Mr. Merrill is a fine man - if he were not, it is unlikely he would be in any position to afford to build such a car. Success usually comes to those who earn it. And I appreciate him sharing it with us. But it is exactly the same as putting a cubic zirconia in a show of diamonds. It may be a super stone, but it should in no way receive top honors among diamonds. Among others of its kind, yes. But not among diamonds. And as I stated in my blog, that was merely my opinion, to which I am entitled. Not all share it. But many do.

>And finally, your assessment of our organizers not caring about the car enthusiast , … and only caring about making a dime, is way off base.

[REPLY] Perhaps - but if what you say is true, then the Elks should have made an effort to SHOW it. Lip service is easy. You SHOW that you care by having the show ORGANIZED. You SHOW that you care by having appropriate classes. You SHOW you care by having at least the STANDARD number of awards. You SHOW you care by having someone make out the registration cards - because participants had to do that themselves, many could not be voted for because they were filled out incorrectly. I counted 5 "street rods" that did not say if they were "open" or "closed", so I could not vote for them.

>We absolutely try to give the entrant a nice venue to come to, we understand ALL the costs involved and we work hard to make events like this a fun place to visit. We (the organizers) are gear heads ourselves. Through your words in your blog you have chosen to break a few “un-written rules” and cast disrespect to your fellow enthusiasts;

[REPLY] Only by "breaking the unwritten rules" can BETTER rules be written. For years, the car folk have not had a voice - they have had to simply accept whatever crumbs might be thrown their way. The purpose of HotKarz.com is to change that, and make shows better for EVERYONE - including organizers.

>a) It takes all kinds to make the world go around, and if you don’t like that guy’s car, don’t buy or build one like it. But don’t go up to him and tell him it’s a piece of s__t.

[REPLY] I never did that, and for you to insinuate otherwise is disingenuous. I simply said that kit cars, in my opinion, should not receive top honors over true classics. Nothing more, nothing less. I personally loved the Cobra, and have always wanted one. And his was simply gorgeous. But it is still a REPLICA. Not the "real thing".

>2) If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all.

[REPLY] That is a really dumb "rule" you have. So, if your country or state is run by a tyrant, you should keep your mouth shut? Or if you go to a restaurant and the food makes you sick, you keep your mouth shut? I think you should re-evaluate your "rules". If it is your opinion that car folks should just "shut up" and accept whatever you want to offer, then you are again showing great disrespect to the car folks.

>… and,… if you were an Elk, or you ever belonged to a Fraternal organization you would understand what it means to have friends; friends who stand beside each other who heed the virtues and values offered within the walls of the organization,… friends who stand up against what is wrong and support what is right.

[REPLY] On that we agree. Unfortunately, for you it seems a bit one-sided. My friends are the car enthuisiasts. And my job IS to stand up against what is wrong, and support what is right. And it is wrong for any show organizer to run a shoddy show and expect the participants to "shut up and accept it." It is RIGHT for me to give them a voice.

>I’m extremely proud to be an Elk in charge of a “Pet Project”.

[REPLY] And you should be. But your show needs serious work. If your car does not run right, do you not take it in for repair?

>I invite you and all who read this, to visit this site http://www.maineelks.org/mccp.html and other Elks websites to get a better understanding of the efforts of the many people you have chosen to disrespect, offend and alienate through your “blog”.

[REPLY] You seem to be trying to inflate the purpose of my blog. I have said nothing to disrespect the Elks, nor offend and alienate them. I simply told the truth about the serious flaws in your CAR SHOW (not your organization), and you find the truth offensive - and that is your problem.

>In the coming months maybe you should polish your etiquette, spelling and tack with the people you claim to be supporting; rather than that PT with the gull doors? (Editor's note: pretty snotty, eh?)

[REPLY] They are not "gull doors". They are Lambo doors. Totally different animal. My etiquette is fine, thank you. And tact (not tack) does not get the job done. I do not sugar-coat things. My readers expect me to call them like I see them - and the way that they tell me that THEY see them. You should bear in mind that I write what OTHER participants tell me. When you read my blog, you are reading what THEY are saying. I only write it.

>Oh, and by the way, the committee that took a $600 loss on this years show (due to inclement weather), …..

[REPLY] I do empathize - but that does nothing to remove your responsibility to the participants. Whether you make $10,000 or lose $10,000, you have a certain obligation to those who work so hard to make your show a success - the participants. It would have cost you NOTHING to mark areas for classes, and you need not have spent a DIME on trophies or prizes. Those were YOUR choices to make. And you made the wrong ones. If you learn from them, fine - your show will likely prosper. If not, then I am sorry for you.

>after planning for months and contributing hundreds of hours of their precious family time, we all got together this evening and voted, don’t bother coming next year, you are not invited. Congratulations! In the 14 years we have run this show, you are the second entrant to be refused entry to future shows, how ironic is that? You couldn’t even get first in the insulting category!

[REPLY] And what would make you think I would want to attend your show again? Certainly not if it does not improve. But mark my words, that choice is an unwise choice to make. HotKarz.com has HUNDREDS of loyal readers. As I said, several of the participants this year showed up ONLY because of HotKarz.com. If it is your intention to bar them from having their "voice", you may as well not even have a show, as that will be the ultimate insult to them. Maybe many will still come - but many others will not. And all because you people will not not even acknowledge the problems with your show, and you get your feelings hurt when someone brings them to your attention. Fine. That is your choice. You will have to live with it. Just another poor choice made by your group. I would expect nothing less.

I do hope your future shows succeed - but if changes are not made, I doubt that they will. But until changes are made, HotKarz.com will not support it. We will post it, as we do all shows. But we will not support it unless you address the issues noted.

Bill Vaughn

P.S. I will be posting THIS email in it's entirety, so the world can see that you simply refuse to even try to understand this issue. In spite of everything, your entire letter was all about YOU, and all about the ELKS, and all about the MONEY you did not make. Not a moment was spent acknowledging that there were problems, or offering to consider making changes that the PARTICIPANTS would like to see. And that, my friend, is because I was right - you simply do not care about any needs except your own.

I, on the other hand, must care about the needs of all three components of a successful show - the organizers, the participants, and the spectators. You would do well to do the same.

Bill Vaughn


Steve Horne
2008 Co-Chairman
BPOE #1470, Rod and Antique Auto Show


Anonymous said...

Alot of excellent points posted by Hotkarz Editor forwarded from car owners. Too bad some people arent open to constructive critisisum and instead take it as an insult.
I already have decided not to attend next year and will not hesitate to let it be known what I think of this past show.

Anonymous said...

Give Em Hell!
I Did not attend this show, but heard about it! (All the way up in LEWISTON!)After reading this entire exchange, I will definatly NOT attend ths show next year.
Hollywood could not write a believable script with a person as oblivious as this guy from the elks club!
Yes, we all know the elks do many fine things, BUT THAT WAS NOT THE ISSUE, STUPID!
I have a feeling that as long as this guy is in charge of this show, it will continue to decline.
And as for Banning HotKarz from the show, there once was another group of people who banned people who did not agree with them-they were called Nazis!