Monday, June 30, 2008

To All Show Organizers

If you have read the last few posts, you will understand why this post is being written.

It is the mission of to help make our hobby the best it can be. We would like all shows to be the best they can be, so everyone gets maximum benefit - spectators get maximum "eye candy", to attract them, car folks get the respect they are due with a fair chance to win a worthwhile award, and organizers make more money because the show prospers from growth.

To this end, it is sometimes necessary to "pan" a show - to point out its weak points. And it is always necessary for us to be honest - sometimes brutally so. But we do not do that for nefarious reasons. It is meant as constructive criticism. It is hoped that you will read what others have to say, and use that info to discover ways in which you may improve your show, for your own benefit as well as everyone else's.

The downside, of course, is that has some influence, and a poor review could keep folks from showing up next year. That is not the intent, it would not be fair, nor is it the result being sought. Therefore, all organizers whose shows do not receive a good review are encouraged to consider the criticism and suggestions, and get back to us to let us know what, if anything, you plan to change for next year. We will then post that info so everyone can see that your show will (or will not) be even better next year, and will not avoid your show unnecessarily. They will know what to expect.

Please bear in mind that there is never any malice. The objective of is to give everyone a voice so that together we can make things better for everyone. Now, more than ever, with fuel so very expensive, car folk must often make hard choices about which shows they will or will not attend. Those choices should be based on accurate information as to just what they can expect from the show.

They count on for an honest accounting.

And depends upon your input as to what we can expect if we attend your show. So please help us by joining with us to work at being the best we can be. Remember - for every 100 cars that fill your field, there is probably between 5 and 10 million dollars invested by the entrants. And that deserves the best show possible.

Naturally, we fully realize that not all shows can be mega-shows, nor do they have to be "great". But there should be evidence of thought, planning and proper execution, regardless of the scale, along with a sense of respect. We understand that you must make a worthwhile profit, and to that end we provide a fairly comprehensive Guideline for a successful show. With it, you may very well be able to put on a better show at less cost to you, while making your show grow each year, to further increase profits. Profits can only come from participation. And participation can only come from putting on a worthy show.

We hope that together we can make car shows more profitable for you, and more enjoyable for those who participate.

If you would like a copy of the proposed outline for a successful show, please feel free to print it out. Same with a sample of classes. And if you would like free "Spectator Code of Conduct" cards, just ask. We are here to serve all in this hobby. We also welcome your own suggestions. We are in this together. We need to work together if we are all to prosper.


Bill Vaughn

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