Friday, September 26, 2008


For 8 years all we have heard from the left is how bad Bush is. Everything he does is absolutely wrong. He is evil - the devil, incarnate.

Today, those same left-wingers are saying how great Bush's bailout plan is, and how he is suddenly right! And real conservatives who are against the Bush bailout plan are somehow the unpatriotic ones.

I find this truly amazing. Bush has the lowest approval rating in history. Yet, when the folks DON'T get behind him, the left-wing nuts are suddenly shocked.

But what really amazes me is how so many ordinary folks can be so easily duped into believing we need this bailout plan. Lest we forget, the same people who laid the groundwork for this mess, and the same people who made billions from it are the same people we seem to be entrusting to fix it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a severe case of hiring the fox to watch the henhouse???

The bailout plan is inherently wrong on several levels, but what irks me the most is how it would position the richest companies who helped create this scenario to profit from it to the tune of billions. If this bailout goes through, for example, JP Morgan would be in a position to buy Wamu for about 2 billion - that's pennies on the dollar. And when the mess is over, and WaMu securities go back to their true value, JP Morgan will have pocketed over 100 billion - all at taxpayer expense.

Note, too, that there are only about 100 million actual taxpayers in America. The bailout bill is roughly 700 billion dollars. Do the math - that means every taxpayer would suddenly be on the stick for another $7,000 in real debt.

And there is no guarantee the bailout plan would even work.

I agree with Newt Gingrich on this issue - give those failed companies 3-5 years "grace", to clean up their own messes. Give them some assistance in doing so. Drop the Capital Gains tax rate to zero for that period, to encourage people to invest in them. And watch (regulate) them closely, just as a court would when someone files bankruptcy. Let them bail themselves out. And if any taxpayer money is used, the taxpayer should receive an equitable amount of stock in those companies.

If we are to be forced to invest in these companies, then they should be forced to issue us stock, so we can share in the re-growth.

Just my opinion, folks. But I am real tired of listening to whiney people who cannot see beyond their partisan noses. People who place party above country. People who put politics before national security. People like those who would have us believe Bush is evil, but now they want us to fall in line with the Bush Bailout plan, simply because it would benefit the wealthiest, and those on the left.

Since when was it the obligation of ordinary folks to protect the wealthy who built their fortunes on our backs? Since when did it become fashionable to help them keep their boots on our throats?

These clowns made billions off us. We paid to make them rich. Now they are in trouble, and expect us to pay to get them out.

I say it is high time THEY started paying. We have already paid far too much.

And if the economy tanks? So what! Economic cycles are just that - cycles. And every cycle must hit bottom sooner or later. Perhaps it is time to stop postponing it, and making it worse. Let's get it over with, so we can get back to work and rebuild.

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