Saturday, September 27, 2008

Today's Shirt: OBAMA - another bum asking for change

I was on AOL today (yeah, sometimes I like to waste perfectly good time) and their big, dreadful news story was that Hurricane Kyle was going to beat the Hell out of the poor state of Maine. I posted a response, not to worry. To us Maniacs, it's just another day. It would take more than a hurricane to rouse our interest or concern.

They also had a story that last night's presidential debate was an important and interesting event. I watched it. It was neither. McCain blew countless opportunities to climb ahead. Obama kept acting UNpresidential, wagging his finger and interrupting McCain several times. Reminded me of Howdy Doody and Phineas T Bluster. Or maybe Bozo and ClaraBelle. AOL pundits debated over who won. My opinion: they both lost.

The third story revolved around the energy bill Bush put before Congress. Then the Democrats tacked billions of pork onto it, signed it, and sent it back to Bush to sign it into law. So, tell me if I'm wrong...if Bush signs it, the Democrats can blame him for putting through over 25 billion in pork. And if he vetoes it, they can say he shot down the bill that allows drilling. Nice set-up. If you ask me, that is nothing short of blackmail - "You can have your drilling, but only if you let us skin the taxpayers again for more pork."

When did it become "all about party" instead of "all about America?" The only candidate that thought of America first was a guy who lost in the primaries - Huckabee. I think America would have a winning team if we had chosen Gingrich and Huckabee. Both are known for being Americans first, party pleasers second.

We should ditch PARTIES altogether, and just have platforms that deal with issues.

At the bottom of the "political" articles on AOL, people can post comments. I have been watching and reading these for several months. And it was blatantly obvious that those on the left tended to resort to foul language and name calling, while those on the right tended to be sarcastic, but at least they were civil. I had not noticed this before. The most hateful, intolerant people were, about 7 to 1, on the left.

Call me old, but I can recall when both parties knew what civility was. Liberals & conservatives could debate on the merits of their platforms. But anyone who has visited the political websites, or read those posts would see just how low the left has devolved into hatred and spite. Those on the left call for the murder of those they disagree with. They revel when a Republican gets cancer, or throw parties when a famous conservative dies. They throw things at republican speakers. I just do not see that same kind of vile action on the right.

Don't believe me? Visit the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos or, as examples. Then check the websites on the right - Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh etc. You will see a very distinct difference in the level of civility. It's astounding! The right-wing sites are reasonably civil. The left-wing sites are anything but. They are crude, rude, and disgusting. If my family acted like that, I would disown them.

Losing our humanity, and abandoning our moral fabric is not the direction we should be moving in. Yes, we need change. But we certainly do not need THAT kind of change!

Self-respect used to be important. And to conservatives, it still is - it is part of the definition of conservative. But a person should not have to be a conservative to value self-respect, integrity, honesty and civility. Those things should be AMERICAN values.

The difference between Republican and Democrat is becoming a real rift, mostly because the Democrat party seems to have been hijacked by the far-left nuts, because THEY have the money. Republicans may hate the platform of the Dems, but they do not hate the Dems, themselves. But the far-left Dems do seem to be hating the Republicans, on a personal level. And that is wrong. Here is an example: I was at the Deerfield Fair this week, and stopped at the Republican booth, just to see who was running in NH this time around. A person I had never met walked by, and out of the blue said, "another f-ing Repuke! Probably a ****, like Bush." I never hear any Republican say that sort of thing to Democrats.

It is a very sad thing. I hope our next leader can help heal things, but I don't think that is possible. The hatred is set deep in those people. It would be easier to get the KKK to give up their hatred of other races.

We all need to shun anyone who pushes hate as if it were crack cocaine. Whenever we hear or see such poor behaviour, we need to speak up. If we do not, we are, by our silence, condoning it, which encourages more of the same. Do not let these haters and liars get away with their tripe. This is not a matter of PARTY, or even politics. This is a matter of morality and civility. If we lose those, we lose our right to call ourselves the Children of God. We lose any right to call ourselves civilized. We lose everything of value.

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