Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Gloucester

I really did not want to go out before sun-up, amid the October frost, and outfit the car with the surfboard. Darn near froze my fingers! Then, once we arrived, I darn near froze my knees as I polished the wheels and bumpers. It was 10 O'Clock before I warmed up again.

But it was a great show, and a lot of fun. To be sure, it had some of the "old" problems, as it seems the organizers may not be up to speed on the need to enforce classes. But as for everything else, it was just, plain fun, though a little cramped. We really enjoyed the company of all the folks.

Norm (Gray) was celebrating his 78th birthday, and a whole bunch of friends gathered to celebrate, complete with lots of cake. I can't get over Norm - 20 years my senior, and I wish I was in as good shape. Happy Birthday, Norm!

One of the high points for me was when the MC announced that, upon leaving, all drivers should turn to the right. I realized immediately how difficult that would be for some folks - it's hard for some Democrats to go to the right for anything. It just goes against their grain :o)

Well, that will do it for us this year, as far as shows are concerned. But we are already working toward next season - I have already begun redesigning the website, trying to make it even easier to navigate. And over the winter months, HotKarz will be having contests and will continue the blog. I hope to make it both entertaining and thought-provoking. And I have several hundred as yet unpublished pix to put up, hopefully a new gallery each week or so.

Before I go today, it may interest many of you to note that I just received an email from the organizer of the Belgrade Fire Department show. I'm sure you recall the go 'round earlier this year. Well, Scott says he has been reviewing a lot of things, and is really intent on making the Belgrade show one of the best in the state next year. I suspect he just may do that - simply by acknowledging problems and wanting to correct them is 90% of the battle. So, I think we will all have one more good show to enjoy next year. The more, the merrier.

Well, gotta grill the burgers - see ya!

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