Friday, February 13, 2009


I just received a letter from Senator Collins concerning her support of the so-called stimulus bill. According to her, it was a "bipartisan effort", even though no Republicans on the house side voted for it, and only three in the senate voted for it.

She went on to say that she did not believe what the economists are saying; that she felt compelled to believe what the Democrats were saying, instead.

And then the real truth came out - this porker of a bill which adds $10,000 of debt to every family in Maine includes a pork provision to help her and Snowe get re-elected in the next elections - $427 million in temporary "medicare" money to Maine - which Maine does not, by law, have to use for Medicare.

In other words, fellow Mainiacs, our illustrious senators Snowe and Collins have been bought by the Democrats, and they sold us out for their 30 pieces of silver. And the reason: they feel that helping to bring that blood money into Maine government will buy them enough votes to keep their seats in the senate.

Maybe. But I would rather believe that the people of Maine are not that shallow. That the people of Maine can weigh the $10,000 their family has now been put into debt, against any negligible amount they might receive from those medicare funds.

Think about it - if every citizen of Maine were to each receive an equal share of that $427,000,000, we would each get about $200. But that bill has cost each family $10,000.

I do not think that is a good deal.

I also believe the good people of Maine will find it difficult to knowingly vote for ANY politician, regardless of party, that is so corrupt that they kick us all in the teeth just to win some votes; or to vote for any politician so shy on morals that they have no integrity.

If these two RiNO's get re-elected, then the people of Maine will deserve the incredibly poor representation they get. Look around, folks - even during the Good Times, was Maine doing as well as other states? No. Did Maine grow? No. Did we have a budget surplus? No. Did our schools improve? No.

Now stop and think - just WHO has been running Maine all these years?

Look at the other states that have had long-time liberal control - Illinois, Michigan, California. All are bankrupt. Even during the good times they were losing money and jobs.

We need to regain control of our state, folks. To do that, we need better people running it. Both on a state and a federal level.

I've said this before and I will say it again - on election day, vote. Look for the name of the incumbent, then vote for the OTHER candidate, regardless of party. If you can't do that little thing to regain control of your state, then I really do not wish to hear the complaints about the exhorbitant taxes, bad schools, lost jobs or how hard it is to get car parts because someone voted for Cash for Clunkers.

Just so there is no mistaking where I stand, here is a copy of the response I just sent off to Collins after reading here letter:

"Apparently, math is not your stong subject, but the people of Maine can add. This PORKER bill is going to put every family $10,000 further into debt. And even if that medicaid money were equally distributed, we would only receive $200 each. NOT a "good" deal, by any stretch.

"3.5 Million jobs? Those who have actually read the bill do not see those jobs in it. At least, not in the short term, when they are needed.

"No, Collins, you have sold out for your 30 pieces of silver, and I will use every means at my disposal to support ANY candidate that runs against you.

"You and Snowe are RiNO's. You are traitors to your party - a disgrace. I will also pressure the RNC to not support you two in any reelection bids, pointing out that the "new" GOP cannot afford to keep any of the RiNO's that got them thrown out in the first place. Michael Steele understands that.

"Keep the dust off your resume....the people of Maine need senators with INTEGRITY.

"I'll make a deal with you, Senator: if the state of Maine is substantially better off a year from now because of this bill, I will put all my support behind you. If it is not substantially better off, you retire.

"But you will not make such a deal, because you KNOW this bill is really a loser. Just like those who voted for it!"


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