Friday, February 13, 2009

Don't Bank On It

It took some doing, But I got hold of a copy of the 1100+ page "stimulus" bill just passed by Congress - at least, as it was passed by the House.

And, unlike a single representative or senator, I actually READ it. Granted, I did not understand it all, and there were references to things not in the bill itself. So it's impossible to determine EXACTLY what it does and does not include.

But I was unable to locate anything in the bill relating to any type of "cash for clunkers" deal.

That's not to say it isn't salted away in there somewhere - my eyes are old, get tired, and my A.D.D. tends to get me off-focus sometimes. So it COULD be there. But I did not see it.

So, until some lawyer working with SEMA says otherwise, I will assume for the moment that it was not in this bill.

But it is interesting to note that Congress has tried a "cash for clunkers" bill twice. And the people behind it - Feinstein and Waxman - have a good deal of power in Congress. So, we will have to remain vigilant, as it is likely they will try again, under a different disguise.


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