Monday, September 1, 2008

The Latest

Shaw's Ridge pix are up, and so is the Winner's Circle for that show. Enjoy!

A person who posted a comment earlier has again posted. This time they are claiming that I have somehow suggested we incorporate a whole new "set of rules" for car shows.

Anyone with any sense knows I did no such thing. I am only suggesting that we LIVE by the rules that already govern society - things like "no cheating", and "watch your language" (children attend shows, too).

It still amazes me that some people just don't get it. The "rules" are not for the purpose of taking fun out. Instead, they help to insure we have more fun. It is more fun to go to a show where cheating does not take place. It is more fun when we don't have to be there so long that it causes us other problems.

This person also suggests that shows have been full of cheating and unfairness since he first started showing in the '80's. And that seems to be his rationale for letting it STAY crappy! Frankly - and this is just my opinion - I think we all have an obligation to stand up and work to make it better, rather than to just sit and take the abuse. But that's just my opinion - I have always been a fighter for what I believe is right. I have never just quietly sat back and let anyone take advantage of me, or of those I care about.

And I care about everyone who goes to car shows. OK, so shows have problems. Not news. But it is how we deal with the problems that determine what we deserve. Thomas Jefferson said, "Everyone gets the government they deserve." The same goes for car shows. If you are not willing to stand up and make them better, they will stay the way they are, and regress into something worse (remember the weeds left in the garden?).

I feel sorry for that person who seems to hate the unfairness, but fights anyone who tries to change it. He's fighting on the wrong side. Perhaps he is just frustrated, and does not believe it can get better. But if that is what he thinks, he is wrong.

No, I am not suggesting making any "new rules". I am only suggesting that we adhere to the ones that we are already given by society, instead of ignoring them. Societal rules serve a purpose - they level the playing field, so that we all get a fair shake. It is only when we ignore the rules that things start to go sour.

And like the fellow says, they have been sour for a long time. It's time to sweeten things up. But that won't happen by magic. It will happen only if we want it to happen, and act to MAKE it happen.

Of course, we could do what this fellow is doing - just take the abuse, keep our mouths shut, and grumble about things that are not right.

Sorry - that does not describe Bill Vaughn! Not by a long shot. I believe in what my Dad used to say - if you don't stir things up once in awhile, too much settles to the bottom. Ever try painting from a can of paint that has settled?

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