Monday, September 1, 2008

Yet Another Reply From The Same Person

The person who believes it's wrong to stand by your car because it constitutes "buying" votes sent this in:

[THE COMMENT WRITER]"There are those who not only stand by their car asking for votes. IE: and I quote. (What's your number) or maybe (You vote for me and I vote for you) I guess you being the judge and jury of car shows turn your head to that kind of voting. You say you want fair voting then how come you don't go attack these people?

[HOTKARZ RESPONSE] Excuse me, but I DO attack the ethics of those people! That was the entire point of the blog entry about the "buddy system" style of voting. Or did you miss that? And I say again, you are wrong about the majority of folks who stand by their cars. You made a blanket statement, accusing them all, not just one or two. And I have a problem with your blanket statement. Perhaps one or two people do ask for votes - I already addressed that problem with the "buddy system" blog. But it was you who insinuated that people standing around their cars were "trying to buy votes". And I said, simply, that most voters are not that dumb, nor that dishonest, so your assertion is really groundless. HOTKARZ is more concerned with the wholesale cheating - clubs creating "voting blocs" for the express purpose of poaching trophies.

[THE COMMENT WRITER, quoting HotKarz] "As for your other assertion: So, you are saying it is OK to allow dishonesty and cheating, as long as it does not affect you "honest folks", and as long as you can laugh about it because it happened to someone else. And you say you must either "belong to the club, or stand by your car all day." I say there is another, better option: require honesty, and disallow the cheating. Then you do not have to belong to a rat pack OR stand by your car all day. If you do not tolerate the cheating, and put an end to it, think of how much more enjoyable the show would be for all (and not just you). Of course, you would no longer be able to laugh at other people's misfortunes.

[THE COMMENT WRITER]"I know this (blog) is your show but please don't put words in my mouth.

[HOTKARZ RESPONSE] Excuse me again, but I did not put words in your mouth - I QUOTED you. You put them in your own mouth. I can only tell folks what you say. I cannot tell them what you meant. If you do not mean what you say, perhaps you should refrain from saying it until you CAN say what you mean. (I am quickly coming to the conclusion that you are objecting to the HotKarz position because you have reason to keep things as they are)

[THE COMMENT WRITER]"I never said anything about being dishonest and cheating. You really need to open your eyes and see what everyone else is looking at. You know I could go on and bring myself down to your level but frankly your just not worth it. You really need to open your eyes and see what is really going on instead of condeming people for their efforts."

[HOTKARZ RESPONSE] Oh, but I do see what is going on. I only said that your attitude about the cheating is what allows it to fester and grow. It was YOU who said it was not worthy of worry, that we should ignore it and laugh about it. I simply disagreed with you. ANY cheating is wrong. And ignoring it will not make it go away. If you would rather just accept the cheating, and laugh at the results (your words), then that is certainly your choice. I do not happen to share that view, and I seriously doubt if many people do. I think that most folks - particularly car folks - are honest, and value integrity. And I think most of them do not like the cheating, and have only put up with it because, until now, they had to. There was no other choice. But now there IS a choice. With a central format like HotKarz, we can mull over the issues that have been hidden under the bushel for too long. We can discuss options, and ways to effect the necessary changes. And then, when we have a method figured out, we can all pull together to get it enforced. If most of the car buffs demanded a change, the organizers really would not have much choice - they either make the change, or lose this venue for raising money. It is a like like having a "car buff's union". Together, we can make a difference. It seems obvious that, for reasons of your own, you would rather keep things as they are. I would rather make things better for car buffs and more profitable for organizers.

And that is my point. We can either accept the problems, as you seem ready to do, or we can try to fix them, as HotKarz wants to do.

But one thing we should never do is sit back, watch it happen, then laugh about it, as you said you do. Yes, you are entitled to do that, if you wish. But don't expect me to support your view.

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