Tuesday, September 8, 2009

To Choptop Dave

You keep signing off as "moron" (I don't post most of your drivel, because that is what it is), and you say it is because I called you that months ago. But you keep proving it to be true - anyone who keeps signing off as "moron" cannot convince anyone he is anything less. It is not a question of what I think - it is a matter of fact that YOU keep playing on it. (You had posted "stay home and leave more room for the rest of us". That, Dave, is a moronic comment. Hence the reference to the term, which, by the way, I had removed. Since then, you have made numerous comments similar in nature, and have continually played on the "moron" thing.)

You say you want an apology - not gonna happen, because I owe no apology. You are one of the malcontents who is trying so desperately to keep the "ol' boys" network alive, because you cannot compete any other way. You do not want change - not even good change.

You do not like being in the minority, after having spent so many years in the majority, in a position of "club power." But now your club is gone, in part because of your own efforts. And the change is creeping in, and you fear it, because you cannot stop it.

More and more shows are asking for the car show book - and using it. And those who do are making more money because, as it turns out, those shows are slowly getting better, and the folks are choosing those shows instead of the ones that are not improving. And you fear that.

And more and more people are getting wise to the class jumpers, and are now thinking twice about voting for someone who is not in the right class. And you fear that.

And more and more people are beginning to notice (because they are now looking) the bloc voting, and those who practice it. And the honest folks are saying, "I'll not vote for anyone I see voting in a group", and you fear that, because you have always depended on your "group" tossing a dozen votes your way, as they did at Gorham. As Frank said in the 10 Commandments, such activity is as obvious as the nose on your face. We all know exactly who is involved.

You can get angry if you wish, Dave, but we all know that every point made here is true. And you know it, too. And that is what makes you so angry. It's not HotKarz that angers you - it is the truth that angers you. And there is nothing I can do about that, because whether I write it or not, it will still be the truth.

In spite of it all, I have always been friendly toward you; always willing to chat, with a smile, sympathize with you when your car got hit, and accept you in spite of everything. That will not change, because I do not carry a grudge, nor take things personally. But it would behoove you to stop and think for a moment about the "old ways" you are trying so hard to protect, and ask yourself honestly if those ways are right or wrong. Ask if you would still be all for them if the shoe were on the other foot, and you were the victim of the dishonesty. Then ask yourself if it might not be better to embrace the idea of making good shows better.

The choice is yours, my friend. It always has been. But if you keep making the wrong choice, please do not expect me to empower you by posting your complaints.


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